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Impact & Results

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  • Testimonial 1

    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has

  • Testimonial 2

    Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of

  • Testimonial 3

    It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here

Commercial Exploitation

The SAUFEX project’s outcomes not only address the immediate challenges posed by FIMI but also provide sustainable solutions for long-term protection and awareness, paving the way for a more secure and informed digital landscape.

Detection Tools

Develop AI-powered tools for detecting Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (FIMI) that can be commercialised for use by governments, media organisations, and private companies. These tools could be offered as a subscription service or as standalone software tailored to specific needs. Licensing the AI technology to cybersecurity firms would allow them to integrate FIMI detection capabilities into their broader security offerings, expanding the reach and impact of the technology.

Knowledge Database

Offer access to the FIMI knowledge database on a subscription basis to entities involved in cybersecurity, research, and policy analysis. This database would be a valuable resource for identifying and analysing disinformation patterns. Providing API access to third-party developers would enable the creation of custom applications or integration with existing cybersecurity platforms, adding value to the data and expanding its usage.

Public Education

Develop public education tools and resources on disinformation, potentially supported by sponsorships or partnerships with educational institutions, to raise awareness and enhance public understanding of FIMI. Collaborating with media organisations to provide them with real-time FIMI detection and analysis tools would also enhance their reporting capabilities and contribute to a more informed public discourse.

Public Sector Contracts

Secure contracts with national governments and international organisations, such as the EU and NATO, to implement SAUFEX technologies and frameworks as part of their national defence and cybersecurity strategies. Pilot programmes with these entities could demonstrate the effectiveness of the SAUFEX framework in real-world scenarios, potentially leading to long-term contracts and further development opportunities.

Educational Initiatives

Expand educational initiatives by developing MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) on disinformation and hybrid threats, accessible to a global audience. These courses could provide foundational knowledge to a broader range of learners, while also serving as a feeder into the more specialised EMoD programme. Offering these courses through partnerships with educational institutions or platforms could broaden their reach and impact.

Your idea?

If you have some ideas on how to make the outcomes more sustainable or exploitable, drop us a line? Interested in colloboration?
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FIMI Response System

Gain access to our automated FIMI response system. Learn more about our API subscription services and how they can enhance your organisation’s ability to combat disinformation.


These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided.

Resilience Councils

Intermediary Data Guardian Role

They will coordinate tactical and political responses to FIMI threats and will also gather input and advice from civil society on information strategies.

Coordination and Strategy

They will coordinate tactical and political responses to FIMI threats and will also gather input and advice from civil society on information strategies.

Pilot Program

The first Resilience Council will be established in Poland, with plans to create similar Councils in the Netherlands, Finland, and Lithuania for comparative analysis and effectiveness.

Success Stories

Discover case studies that highlight the successful commercialisation of our efforts.

Success Story: The Resilience Council in Poland

In 2024, Poland became the pioneering nation to implement the Resilience Council as part of the SAUFEX project, aimed at countering Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (FIMI). The Polish Resilience Council quickly became a model of success by integrating government bodies, civil society organisations, and academic experts into a cohesive unit focused on safeguarding the integrity of information.

One of the Council's key achievements was its rapid response mechanism, which successfully identified and neutralised several disinformation campaigns targeting national elections. By leveraging advanced AI tools and fostering real-time communication among stakeholders, the Council not only mitigated these threats but also enhanced public trust in the electoral process.

The Polish Resilience Council's work has since inspired the establishment of similar councils across the EU, proving the effectiveness of a unified approach to combating disinformation. Their success demonstrates the potential of collaborative frameworks in protecting democratic institutions from external manipulation, setting a benchmark for resilience in the digital age.


What is Saufex?

SAUFEX (Secure Automated Unified Framework for Exchange) is a project focused on enhancing resilience against Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (FIMI) through the development of a unified framework for information exchange and analysis.

What are the main objectives of SAUFEX?

The project has three main objectives:

  1. Standardising knowledge and creating a common framework for FIMI analysis.
  2. Decentralising and democratising processes around FIMI analysis and response.
  3. Incorporating community-driven quality assurance processes and expanding theoretical understandings of FIMI.
What are the expected outcomes of SAUFEX?

The project aims to enable proactive detection and response to FIMI threats, improve coordination among EU member states, and develop a better understanding of the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) involved in these threats.

How will SAUFEX contribute to combating FIMI?

SAUFEX will develop a FIMI knowledge database, create AI-powered tools for automated analysis, and establish Resilience Councils to coordinate responses to FIMI incidents across Europe.

Who are the main beneficiaries of the SAUFEX project?

The primary beneficiaries include policymakers, private stakeholders, civil society actors, and EU member states, who will be better equipped to detect, analyze, and respond to FIMI threats.

What is the Resilience Council mentioned in the project?

The Resilience Council is a proposed body within the SAUFEX framework that will serve as an intermediary and secure data guardian between state and non-state actors, facilitating coordinated responses to FIMI threats.

How does SAUFEX support innovation?

The project integrates advanced AI tools and techniques with existing data and threat intelligence frameworks, aiming to develop cutting-edge solutions for detecting and mitigating FIMI threats.

What role does AI play in SAUFEX?

AI is central to SAUFEX’s strategy, enabling automated detection, analysis, and response to FIMI threats. AI tools will be used to standardize and codify data, making it more accessible and actionable.

How will SAUFEX impact policy-making?

By providing a standardised framework and reliable data, SAUFEX aims to improve the decision-making process for policymakers, ensuring that responses to FIMI threats are grounded in evidence and coordinated across borders.

How can I get involved or learn more about SAUFEX?

To learn more about SAUFEX or explore opportunities for collaboration, you can contact the project team through their official channels.

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54-066 Wrocław


Alexanderveld 5

2516 BE The Hague


funded by the EU

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